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10 Reasons To Take Online Classes

1. I can learn despite health issues that might get in the way of a traditional class setting. I was sick for a while and I couldn't stand a chance to go to a traditional class so I signed up for online classes. It's also great for students who long distances and still want to get their education. 2.   I can focus on my work without distractions from my classmates. I get distracted very easily so I need to be somewhere I can focus without any of my classmates making noises. 3. I saved lots of money on gas and time.   4. I love the communication with my professors. When I was in the traditional classes we had to raise our hands or wait a while to be called on. I love that I can just send an email to my professors and they respond with all your questions and problems. 5. More comfortable learning environment . Who doesn't want to go to class with their PJs and still earn their education? Lol. 6. Convenience and flexibility. I love the convenience a...

Things I Can't Live With Out Tag Questions

  Things I Can't Live With Out Tag Created By: Princesslexiselicious on YouTube. 💜 Here are the questions: 💜 1) Lipstick or Lip gloss? 2) Jeggings or skinny jeans? 3) McDonald's French  fries or Wendy's French fries? 4) Being single or being married? 5) Water or sodas? 6) Not brushing your teeth for a year or not taking a bath for a year? 7) Hip Hop or Heavy Metal? 8) Living with someone or living by yourself? 9) Rainbow flavored Twizzlers or the Strawberry flavored Twizzlers? 10) Wigs or weaves? 11) A year with no makeup or A year with no food? 12) Give $100,000 to your church or a orphanage? 13) Hot or cold weather? 14) Pizza or burgers? 15) Cookies or pies? 16) Home cooked meals or take out? 17) Trader Joes or Earth Fare? 18) Kmart or Target? 19) Cable or WiFi 20) Clean underwear or deodorant? 21) Insurance or no insurance? 22) Flat Iron or Curling wand? 23) Glasses or Eye Contacts? 24) Without lying or telling the tr...

The Sister Tag Questions

Hey divas! Here's the Sister Tag Questions! I will be doing a video soon! Questions: 1. How old are you both? 2. Describe each other in one word? 3. Do people ever get you mixed up? 4. What is something that annoys you about one another? 5. What is it like being sister with a youtube "guru"? 6. Do you ever argue? 7. Whats the best thing about one another? 8. Ditch the dirt? 9. Fave inside joke? 10. Fave memory together? 11. Full sisters/half/step? 12. Guess each others fave singer? 13. Who takes longer to get ready 14. Heels or flats?
 15. Pants or dresses?
 16. Favorite animal?
 17. If your house was burning down, and your entire family was sure to be okay, what would you save and why? 18. Comedy, horror, or chick-flick? 19. Blackberry or iPhone?
 20. Favorite movie? 21. What is something weird that you eat? 22. Do you guys have anything matching? 23. What's your favorite TV show?

How To Take Care of Your Hair & Braids

 Today I would like to share my Do's and Don'ts that I do to take care of my hair wearing braids and keeping my braids looking refreshed and new. I'm not an expert of hair, but I do know what works and doesn't work from my experience. So take this from someone who wears braids pretty much all the time when she is not rocking her other styles.   1) Make sure when you are getting your hair braided make sure your " baby hairs " are not braided tightly. Now I learned from this letting braiders braid your hair too tightly can cause thinning hairline. Now, when braiders are braiding other places around your head if it's too tight please say something. If you are paying any amount of money you should get the proper care and respect.  2) Make sure you moisturize your hair and braids. Oil your scalp at least 2 times a week to keep your scalp from not drying and being neglected. Use a braid sheen spray or lotion to apply to your hair every day if nee...

15 Day Squat Challenge! For Beginners!

Hey divas! Can't you believe its March 2015?? We already in the 3rd month of 2015! Wow! time goes by fast. So you know what that means it's time to get summertime fine. So I wanted to create my own verison of the 15 day squat challenge. I wanted to do the 30 day but we got to start from the bottom first. So I'm going to do before and after post of this. But there might be a possibility that I will make it to the 15th day lol. But I want to look Hot . Plus, Spring Break is near. It's already getting hot outside it seem like yesterday it was 40 degrees and windy.  I will comeback after with an update and how I'm doing but im ready to get fine.    Here's The Plan:  15 Da Day 1            10 Day 2            15 Day 3           20 Day 4     BREAK/Rest Day 5          35 Day 6         40 Day 7...