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Showing posts from March, 2015

How To Take Care of Your Hair & Braids

 Today I would like to share my Do's and Don'ts that I do to take care of my hair wearing braids and keeping my braids looking refreshed and new. I'm not an expert of hair, but I do know what works and doesn't work from my experience. So take this from someone who wears braids pretty much all the time when she is not rocking her other styles.   1) Make sure when you are getting your hair braided make sure your " baby hairs " are not braided tightly. Now I learned from this letting braiders braid your hair too tightly can cause thinning hairline. Now, when braiders are braiding other places around your head if it's too tight please say something. If you are paying any amount of money you should get the proper care and respect.  2) Make sure you moisturize your hair and braids. Oil your scalp at least 2 times a week to keep your scalp from not drying and being neglected. Use a braid sheen spray or lotion to apply to your hair every day if nee...

15 Day Squat Challenge! For Beginners!

Hey divas! Can't you believe its March 2015?? We already in the 3rd month of 2015! Wow! time goes by fast. So you know what that means it's time to get summertime fine. So I wanted to create my own verison of the 15 day squat challenge. I wanted to do the 30 day but we got to start from the bottom first. So I'm going to do before and after post of this. But there might be a possibility that I will make it to the 15th day lol. But I want to look Hot . Plus, Spring Break is near. It's already getting hot outside it seem like yesterday it was 40 degrees and windy.  I will comeback after with an update and how I'm doing but im ready to get fine.    Here's The Plan:  15 Da Day 1            10 Day 2            15 Day 3           20 Day 4     BREAK/Rest Day 5          35 Day 6         40 Day 7...