Hey! Guys and divas. Today on my blog I want to discuss important things that are going on in today's society and my generation or age group especially the ages 10-30. We have become zombies to socail networking. We have misunderstood and misused what the Internet is used for. Now I'm going to be honest I'm a zombie to social media as well especially Instagram and Pinterest as well YouTube. But i have a problem when people use Twitter ,Facebook ,Instagram or other socail networks use them to attack or belittle other human beings.
It was this recent news about a teenage girl was rape at a houseparty and the boys spiked her punch or drink and she was laid out on the floor naked. Then I see people reposting or remocking the rape situation and #jadapose or something like that. Like come on! What pathway are we going? Teens now a days especially in my age bracket are not taking life seriously and making the right choices. I saw one day its a page of exposing naked multimedia messages and sending them direct message to this fan page and sharing them for everybody to see. So the people who liked that picture I made sure I unfollowed them. I think its absurd and ignorant to exploit women.
As a society we need better thinkers and healthy role models to show the youth that this is wrong. Some of these teens or adults haven't been taught or discipline well to see the effects that their actions may cause.
But anyways thanks for reading hopefully you will change your actions or empower and educate your children about the effects of misusing socail media.
LexiseLicious XO
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